Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Slim Clip

I don't carry a wallet and I break credit cards a few times a year from them being in my pocket. I decided to buy the advertised on TV, "Slim Clip." It holds up to 6 credit cards and thirty bills. When you order for "just $10, we'll include, for free, our handy pocket laser light. Act now and we'll double your order. That's 2 Slim Clips and 2 pocket laser lights for just $10. Just pay separate shipping and handling."

I went to their site. As I placed the order there was a page that offered three more for just another $10. I figured what the hell. It's just $10 plus separate shipping and handling.

Nowhere did the site have info about shipping and handling charges! I checked.

The final order amount was $75.97! $20 for merchandise and $50.97 for shipping and handling.

I called them to cancel. "We can't cancel yet. The order won't be delivered from the website until tomorrow. You'll have to call back tomorrow."

I went back to the site and found a "contact form." I cancelled through that form 52 times - Once for each dollar of shipping and handling charges.

Today the charge was posted to my card account!

Tomorrow it will be charged back.

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