Friday, July 31, 2009

Bill's Rules #7

For every hot chick you meet....

There's a guy who's fed up with her crap.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Slim Clip

I don't carry a wallet and I break credit cards a few times a year from them being in my pocket. I decided to buy the advertised on TV, "Slim Clip." It holds up to 6 credit cards and thirty bills. When you order for "just $10, we'll include, for free, our handy pocket laser light. Act now and we'll double your order. That's 2 Slim Clips and 2 pocket laser lights for just $10. Just pay separate shipping and handling."

I went to their site. As I placed the order there was a page that offered three more for just another $10. I figured what the hell. It's just $10 plus separate shipping and handling.

Nowhere did the site have info about shipping and handling charges! I checked.

The final order amount was $75.97! $20 for merchandise and $50.97 for shipping and handling.

I called them to cancel. "We can't cancel yet. The order won't be delivered from the website until tomorrow. You'll have to call back tomorrow."

I went back to the site and found a "contact form." I cancelled through that form 52 times - Once for each dollar of shipping and handling charges.

Today the charge was posted to my card account!

Tomorrow it will be charged back.

Just Wondering….

If pro is opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?