A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
It just doesn't get more accurate than that!
Thoughts - as they happen. Some after they happen and some that don't.
Michael Jackson did manage to whisper a brief message to paramedics on his way to the hospital… “put me on the children’s ward”
There are unconfirmed reports of people hearing Thriller playing backwards from the morgue - Apparently he’s de-composing.
Coroners office just released a statement saying that they are going to melt down Michael’s body and turn him into plastic toys so kids can play with him for a change.
When Farah arrived at the pearly gates God granted her 1 wish. Farah thought for a minute and said “I wish for the children to be safe”. God paused, smiled and then told her… “The children are safe… i just killed Michael Jackson”
Early reports are that the hospital does not know what to do with the body, as plastic recycling is not collected until next Thursday.
When Michael Jackson was taken to the hospital the maternity ward was immediately put on lockdown.
Like Michael Jackson always said. “Live fast, die young, leave a vaguely Vietnamese looking woman’s corpse”
MJ’s cardiac arrest was brought about when he found out that Boyz 2 Men were a boy band and not a delivery service.
For a dear little girl,
Oh, she's no girl, but a witch
Always begging for mercy
Damned dumb stupid bitch.
She's tried every trick in the book,
"Oh cruel world!" is her trademark lure
I'll say it's cruel-
How did I get a Bitch like her?
She won't go away
Won't leave me alone,
God, what did I do wrong?????
Will I always be bitch prone?
Go to hell little child,
Soon, time's flyin' by.
I can't wait
Until in your coffin you lie.
Course it won't be the first time you've lied,
To anyone besides me.
Too many lies, too much confusion,
Without you, I'm free.
If You Are Not Willing To Stand Behind Our Troops,
Please Feel Free To Stand In Front Of Them!
TV commercial again.
I’d love to meet this chick:
Watch the end of her commercial: Light & Fit Commercial
Women know that Nice-guys stay alert to help any woman in need. Nice-guys are delusional if they think that by helping any woman with what ever she needs that she will see him as “good boyfriend material.” This extends all the way from letting her pull into traffic in front of you (when she’s a stranger) to helping her move to a different apartment (when you're her best friend). When in reality, all she really sees you as is a tool that anyone can just use because they have little respect for you - so why should she be any different. You will “be there for her” like a best friend and that’s the way she will treat you. She might even say: "You're such a doll for doing this for me.." Which translates to: You are a like a stuffed animal toy that she hugs when she feels lonely or needs to cry.. When something more interesting or exciting comes around, she quickly loses interest and puts you back on the shelf until next time she needs you. You will keep paying the emotional, physical, and mental dues, and receive no boyfriend membership and benefits for your efforts.
The next time a girl calls and asks for a favor, ask yourself:
W.W.J.D.: "What would a Jerk do?"
No, not to be confused with the W.W.J.D.: "What would Jesus do?"
Remember, Jesus was the ultimate Nice-guy and the people nailed him to a cross. -Ouch! This proves that even 2,000 years ago it was painful to be a Nice-guy.
I think it's less painful to be a Jerk!
This is a classical first date test. You think everything is going great on the date because the conversation keeps going. The only reason the conversation keeps going is because she is playing 20 questions with you. She is asking you everything from your favorite color to your mother's maiden name. You willingly tell her EVERYTHING and think: "Wow, I've got such a great rapport with this woman; she's really interested in me because she keeps asking me questions."
The problem is that she needs mystery in the relationship. If you tell her everything about yourself on the 1st date, don't wonder why you're not getting a second one. Whether she is asking these questions because she is testing you to see how much you will reveal about yourself (or genuinely interested in asking), you need to give short answers and get out of this mode as quickly as possible in order to save yourself and the potential future dates.
The more you are on "Play" (re-playing your old "fun" memories for her and making your conversation sound like a documentary about yourself) instead of "Record" (recording the fun intensity of the moment you are in now by doing spontaneous and adventurous things) the faster the relationship will crash and burn before it even gets off the ground. Nice-guys think if they tell her about all the fun they had in the past, he will appear to be a good prospect of fun in the future. Do you think she wants to come over on the 1st or second date and watch home movies of you and all your fun in the past? Or do you think she wants you to create some fun memories with her so you both can play them in your minds for years to come? I'm here to tell you that women think just like the warning found on a mutual fund ad: "Past performance is no guarantee of future performance."
She knows the only way she will be attracted to you as a fun, spontaneous, unpredictable, adventurous guy is to see if you act that way around her now, not just in your past around other people.
The Acid Test Question: (this one is so important and relationship changing that it had to have its own number):
When all is going right in a relationship and you're wondering if the woman is going to have sex with you - beware! She might try and throw a monkey wrench in the works by asking you one tiny little relationship altering, destiny changing question. She will say something along the lines of:
"Have you ever fantasized about us together?";
"Do you think you'd ever do it with me?";
"Do you ever think about having sex with me?" or
"Have you ever thought about us making love?"
Most guys think this is an easy question which will take them one step closer to having sex with her. They quickly answer with a confident "yes" and think that this all too easy.
The problem is that when she knows that she can have you, before she has had you, the chances of you having sex with her went from 90% down to 10% in a heartbeat. So therefore, realize that you will be giving yourself such an incredible and instant, social setback that you should answer ANYTHING but yes!
By the way, don't answer no either. If you do, she will think that you are lying or that you are gay (or both). The 10% chance (you had by answering yes) looks really good now! She knows that if you are giving her any amount of attention (like going on a date) that you are sexually interested in her. If you weren't sexually interested in her you would have skimmed right past her like that minimum wage job in the help wanted section.
With that in mind, the next time you're asked if you thought about the two of you having sex before it actually happens, try answering with something smart ass and cocky like:
"Well that's for me to know and you to find out..";
"Who every said you could afford me?";
"Well, you've got good potential, but you might have to do a better job on selling me on it."; or
"Yeah, I dreamed about it and in the dream you couldn't keep up, so you better do something to increase your endurance before we even try to have sex. Maybe take a few aerobic classes or something.."
What you are letting her know is that you are not hungry. You are also communicating to her that she can't afford you and you've had better than her. You're presenting yourself as being expensive and it's going to take more on her part if she wants your attention. You're showing her that you are not an easy sell or an easy kill. You're demonstrating to her that you're comfortable enough, confident enough and experienced enough around women to be playful in a fun teasing way.
This teasing is what makes the sexual intensity skyrocket because you are holding her back from getting the instant gratification she so desperately craves. Make sure she gets her instant gratification from shopping and Nice-guys, not from you.
Reverse Passion Play:
This is where the woman tries to tell you how busy she is with her life. She has her career, possibly graduate school with homework, her friends, her family, her cats and on and on. She takes what I said about: .Making yourself a Challenge. and uses it against you. She tries to sell you on the idea that her life is so busy with her passions, hobbies, interests and commitments that the only chance you have of being around her is to just get in line behind EVERYTHING else. If you find a woman who does this or at least presents herself this way, it is either a social smoke screen to see if you are intimidated by her strong feminine life or bunch of crap and lies (or both). If the right guy came around and created feelings of attraction in her, she would leave all of the passions, hobbies, interests and commitments in order to try to be first in your line rather than warning you that you have to be in the back of the line in her life. This is where the Jerk can get almost any woman to miss meetings at work, cancel out on her friends and lie to her family in order to get another taste of what she knows she can't have(him) and satisfy her uncontrollable, unstoppable, biological urge and addiction to be with him.
Sorry, Members Only:
I've come to the conclusion that your sex life with any woman is indirectly proportional to the relationship she has with her parents. In other words, the better the relationship she has with her parents, the worse the quality and quantity of your sex life is going to be. This will put you into the "sex 2-3 times a month or 2-3 times a year" category.
On the other hand, if she comes from a broken home, her father left when she was young, or her mother disowned her years ago, get prepared for the best sex of your life. She will have such an unquenchable sexual appetite that she will wear you out. This will result in you being in the "sex 2-3 times a week or 2-3 times a day" category. Maybe she has sex as a way to make up for the physical love, emotional support and acceptance she didn't get from her parents.
Yeah, like you're really going to care about the reasons!
There's at least one of these girls in every circle of friends. The guy she is going out with doesn't deserve half the sex he's getting. He thinks he's a stud, when in reality he doesn't understand that he has nothing to do with his girlfriend getting hot and horny. He's just happens to be the closest warm body to put out her "fire in the hole." This guy is in for a big let down when he moves on to the next girl who isn't so naturally horny. As a result, the sex will be given out with an eye dropper because he doesn't know how to create the feelings of attraction in her.
You're Just The Stunt Double:
This one is 3 dimensional. Don't just think because a woman has a great time with you and really seems interested that you should be heading for the jewelry store for an engagement ring.